Friday, July 17, 2009

News: Tokyo Toy Show 2009 - Robot Damashii Macross F

Here are the prototypes for the Macross F Robot Damashii lineup from the Tokyo Toy Show:

VF-25 Alto Custom Super Messiah

VB-6 Koenig Monster...why do I have the idea it's transformable??

VF-25G Michael Custom Messiah
Source: GA Graphics website


  1. Dying to find out if that VB-6 is 1/100 scale!

    If so, then it could very well be a tweaked version of the Yammie one. Since Yammie now has M7 fighters they never had before, I would expect the VB-6 was what they were after.

    If it's 1/100 then I would expect it be scaled to compliment the VF100 series of fighters.

  2. Hi Andy, I do see your point. The VB-6 is a hot piece.
