Reporting the latest toy and hobby news,
and paying homage to collectible items around the world.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Bandai June 27 Robot Damashii Releases
So here are the just released robot tamashii Crossbone Gundam x-1, Lancelot Albion and Nirvish Type Zero Spec 2.
This X-1 actually looks nicer than I expected, if I come across a good deal, I may get it.
I haven't watched Code Geass yet, so I don't know what the fuss is about, I do know it has quite a following, so it can't be bad. I just think the outline of the Lancelot looks a bit too much like the Nirvish, without the transformation...May be it's just me...
This is on its way to me now...I somehow wish they'd do alternate color for this as I am not a fan of the default color scheme.
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I grew up with old school Japanese animation. Now decades have gone by, and my interest certainly hasn't faded. Japanese animation has come a long way, and the quality has improved leaps and bounces (very evident from the Gundam OO and Macross F series). At the same time, I've noticed a resurgence of interest in the old school anime heros that I have loved for all my life. Many companies are digging out old robot designs and releasing toys and collectibles for the *akem* aging collectors alike.
I decided to create this blog as my personal tribute to the anime, robots, toys and anything in between, that I love.
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