Saturday, August 22, 2009

Review: Devil Man Live Action Movie 2004

Right now, you may be saying WTF, what does the title of this post has to do with these pictures?

Well, I just watched the live action Devilman movie from 2004 and a search on wikipedia revealed that it won the grand prize of Japan's Bunshun Kiichigo Awards, the worst movie of the year.

While I agree the movie is quite lame in many areas, the CG character designs for Devilman and Satan were quite good.

But much more importantly, the movie at the time featured two of the super cutest hotties, the especially enchanting 19 year-old Ayana Sakai on the left as the main female lead (in the role of Miki Makimura) and 16 year-old Asuka Shibuya on the right (in the role of Miko).  Check them out when you have a chance, I am doing that right now...


  1. Yeah, Ayana Sakai was very charming in the movie, she was the driving force of this post. I think Yesasia still has her "idol photo album" available last time I checked...Asuka was really a kid at the time of the movie, she played a dorky first...
