Friday, July 3, 2009

Review: Hasbro Transformer Animated Blurr

In the spirit of the new Transformer Revenge of the Fallen, I thought I'd post a transformer review. For Age 5+, this is Blurr from the Transformer Animated series by Hasbro. I don't know who decided on the 5+ thing, but I have a hard time transforming out for the hip joints!

I came across this guy when browsing through the local comic store one day, and immediately fell for the sleek vehicle design. The wheels are made of two concentric circles, so you can roll the car around, and the navy blue front tips (as well as the antenna at the back end) are made of soft pvc, so their is no fear of any breakage.

To transform, you pulled out the front hood, separate the arms and legs and rotate them in the opposite direction to the vehicle mode, fiddle with it a bit and voila, you completed a job rated for a 5 year old. It comes with a energy saw that flips out under the hood with the press on of a button, but it looks pretty good with a GN sword too.
I see some potential for a custom job, but most likely will just keep it in vehicle mode.
It retails for about $15 USD.

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